15 March 2008

get juiced!

maybe you are like me and have trouble with getting your fruit servings for the day, then again maybe you're not, but the truth still stands that you need them regardless. i don't know what it is about fruit, could be the overpowering sweetness or it could also be that i focus so much on the meals at hand that i forget the poor seed infested little guys even exist. i have found that the best way for myself and those not apt to eat fruit is through juicing.

it doesn't have to stop at fruit either! pretty much any fruit, veggie or greens that contain juice (duh!) can be thrown into one of these bad ass obliterators. carrots, oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, potatoes, romaine lettuce, parsley, garlic, ginger, apples... ok, i think you get the idea.

the key is to balance out the taste to your liking. i always like to throw in some greens (kale, spinach, collards, romaine lettuce, etc). sometimes greens can be a bit bitter, but thats where the balancing act comes in and those sweet fruits make the drink rule it. juice is seriously healthy, tastes fantastic and is way better than any bottled drink you can buy at the grocery store.

one of my favorite drinks is carrot & orange juice: 2 oranges, 1 large carrot.

i know that juicers aren't the cheapest appliance in the world to purchase, but you can find them in all sorts of price ranges. making your own juice is cheaper than buying pre-packed juice, not to mention the waste that you won't be creating with the packaging. so it eventually pays its way. you can always start out with a hand juicer if you're more of a citrus person, but never be afraid of the juicer. it is your friend.

so go on, drink up!

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